KES School Supply Lists 2024-2025
VES School Supply Lists 2024-2025
LMS School Supply Lists 2024-2025
LCPS Code of Conduct 2024-2025
CHS Program of Studies 2024-2025
CHS Program of Studies 2023-2024
LMS Program of Studies 2024-2025
Top Ten Proven Actions to Ensure Your Student is Ready to Soar This School Year
What You Can Do As a Parent to Ensure Your Child’s Success
Parent Newsletters for Early Childhood
Parent Newsletters for Elementary
Early Years Parent Newsletters in English
Early Years Parent Newsletters in Spanish
Family Engagement Policies 2024-2025
Virginia Department of Education
Services for Students Identified as Hearing or Visually Impaired
If you are interested in volunteering and/or chaperoning in the schools, please read the guidelines and fill out the form and return it to your child's school for approval. For more information:
Commonwealth Conversation on Restoring Childhood Through Common Sense Approaches to Social Media and Cell Phones
The First Lady of Virginia held a Fireside Chat with author of "The Anxious Generation," Jonathan Haidt on the evening of September 19, 2024. Click here to go to the VDOE website to view this event and obtain information regarding the book.
We want to hear from you! As a parent/guardian, you know your child best and we would like to partner with you to support his/her overall development. In order to increase family engagement and help us better serve you and your student(s), we are asking you to complete a survey about several topics regarding your child's education. There is an opportunity to list up to 4 students in LCPS. If you do not have that many students in our school system, just answer for the students you have and skip the extra questions. Sections 1 & 2 are to be completed for ALL students and Section 3 is ONLY to be completed for ELEMENTARY students. Please COMPLETE BY OCTOBER 31, 2024.
Please use the link here to take the survey:
Published by the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia
Students and their families are encouraged to use a variety of information sources to select a college and major. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) provides a source at this website:
Students and prospective students may find the information resources of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) useful in planning for college and careers. SCHEV has created an institutional profile for each Virginia public college and university and for each independent college or university participating in the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program. The profile is available at this website:
CHS school counselors will gladly assist students and families in college and career planning and in accessing this information. Please contact the CHS School Counseling Office at 434-696-2137.
LCPS Families--Please note the following:
The VDOE and the Virginia Department of Health worked collaboratively to develop information and resources for fentanyl education and awareness (HB 1473). The Fentanyl Awareness informational one-sheet was created through that partnership. School divisions should ensure that all 9-12 graders have this sheet within the first two weeks of the 2024-2025 school year. School divisions can choose distribution methods that best meet the needs of their students and families. Additionally, the webpage includes resources for educators on substance use prevention. Read more from VDOE.